Monday, October 12, 2009

Stand Against Geppetto Justice!

Being a puppet's a shit life. You just lie around waiting to be used, and when you finally, finally get the chance to talk, you're left with no choice but to navigate your patiently saved words with someone's hand clawed up your ass so far you feel it violating your brain.

So what do you say then? Whatever your user damn well pleases if you know what's good for you. His hand's up your ass! You'll say anything you have to to stop that public probing.

Consequently, the puppeteers' guild emerges as both the world's largest rape convent and proponent of sex trafficking. Zero discretion - their crimes perennially pass unanswered. However, I can't say we're much better. Who's truly worse: the entertainer or the entertained? Countless audiences commit plentiful monies to cathedral sized puppet shows, and we laugh, oh how we laugh, at the ventriloquist funnyman.

We permit the rapists babysit our children from behind their curtains and laugh as they indoctrinate our young with their message of hate, discriminate and otherwise, via their hand-handled slaves of sock, feather, and paper bag. We allot them tax-funded, televised blocks of public broadcasting and name it quality infant education. Where is the law? Where is the law in the wake of these mortal sins? It's buckled, buckled and sulking under the blood-spattered, crushing foot of Geppetto Justice - a quiet, de facto continuance of international oppression caging those too weak to speak for themselves.

And they're seemingly untouchable. Not only protected and sanctioned by silent federal governments, the criminals hide behind shielded corporate colossi profiting bankroll off of puppet exploitation. Disney, PBS, TLC, McDonalds Company, the public school system: these iconic, cigar-smoking business tycoons mastered what I like to call, if you would, a cotton-coated tactic of operation. All behind the scenes and all strings attached, the puppeteers find themselves free to express their cloak-and-jabber puppet coercion, completely ignored by the unblinking public eye, which itself is absent beyond all opposition.

So what say you? How long can America keep quiet the decrepit streets on southside Sesame? The dirty dealings of the conductors working the tank engine train yards? How long will you ignore the puppet prison Old Man Rogers kept hidden behind the hollow walls of his haunted home?

And what say you in the face of all that? That you'll actually stop what you're doing? Join me and affect real change in this world?

Sadly, I think your nose is growing.

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